SPAWW for non-native speakers
About the PAWW scheme
Welcome to the PAWW Foundation. PAWW stands for Private Supplement WW (Unemployment Benefit Scheme) and WGA (Return to Work [Partially or temporarily Disabled Persons] Scheme). In the Netherlands, you can receive a WW benefit if you become unemployed and a WGA benefit if you are partly incapacitated to work due to illness. You will receive these benefits from the government for a maximum of 2 years. The PAWW scheme ensures that you will also get a benefit after your WW or WGA benefit has been paid out. This is the same amount and lasts a maximum of 14 months. The supplementary PAWW benefit is arranged through your employer. In that case, however, your employer must have registered with the PAWW Foundation, which administers the scheme.
Ask your (former) employer about the PAWW!
If your employer participates in the PAWW
If you can get a PAWW benefit via your employer, you can apply for it via our employee portal. The application can only be made in Dutch. If you do not speak the language, seek help with your application. For example, at:
- The person or institution that previously helped you apply for your WW or WGA.
- The Landendesk of the FNV. Go to and click on the globe at the top left for your language.
- Your HR contact.
- Friends or colleagues.